An adventure involving exposure to raw nature and sailing a race boat single-handed? Don't ask me twice, I'm in.

This page is about my journey as a sailor in the wonderful world of the Classe Mini - a community dedicated to offshore racing in 6.5m long sailing boats.

Ready to dive into the adventure with me? Let's set sail and make some waves!

Who's behind the project.

I'm Cédric Vincent Widmer, a sailor and photographer from Switzerland. The fuel behind this project? It's all about curiosity, love for sailing and the craving for adventure.

I dipped my toes into sailing a decade ago, and in the last four years, I've been actively chasing the wind.

While the grand finale is set for the Mini-Transat, what really revs my engine is relishing every step of this journey, soaking up knowledge along the way, and building connections with fellow sailors.

Mini-Transat 2025
A race of a lifetime

Envision a regatta of exceptional scope—an Atlantic crossing originating in France, sailing single-handed and unassisted towards the Caribbean.

The race, featuring around 80 participating boats, occurs every two years, with the forthcoming edition scheduled for 2025.

Get ready for a maritime spectacle that surpasses the ordinary—a solo odyssey across the Atlantic.


My Project so far

Was it the right decision?
‍Reflecting, opposing pros and cons. I invested proper reflection before deciding to go for it and saying yes to that adventure.

Buying the boat

Signing the contract of my RG 650 was a proper kick-start to my project. I spent all summer on the boat to it back in shape. Fixing various things, general improvements, getting familiar with all the electronics and of course: sailing as much as possible and getting a feel for that beauty of a boat. What a blast!

First bigger trip
In July it was finally time to sail the boat from Marseille to Barfelnoa, a delivery where I faced winds up to 40 knots. No problem for the boat at all.

Why Barcelona?
What makes Barcelona interesting is the Base Mini, which is a local training center for Mini 650 Boats. It's crucual to be ablte to train with other Minis. A 1:1 comparison in combination with a professional coach is the best way to move forward with the tehcnical aspects of sailing.
So this winter you'll find me training in Barcelona and preparing for the racing season in 2024.

Support the project

Managing a sailing boat demands significant resources. I kicked off this project from scratch and invested everything I've got into it—an all-in decision par excellence.

While I handle most of the heavy lifting solo, I'm eager to bring more people on board.

I'm on the lookout for sponsors who want to be a part of my project and support me on this incredible journey.

Could you be a potential partner?

Get in touch

What's in for you?

By supporting this passion project, you'll play a crucial role in turning an ambitious dream into reality. Of course, your support isn't a one-way street—there's added value for you.

Below, I've outlined three potential ways we could collaborate. Have other ideas? Feel free to let me know!

Make yourself visible

Place your branding on the sails or on the hull of my boat and be part of every journey - short or long.

There is plenty of space:
Main Sail: 32m2
Jib: 15m2
Spinnacker: Up to 95m2

Let's share memories

Join me on the boat for a training session and experience the thrill of sailing a Mini 650.

If you‘re serious about sailing, there‘s even the option to join me on a double-handed regatta. 

Plenty of stories for you

If you want to share your engagement in the project with your audience, you can use my footage and stories for your communication. 

I will provide you with a regular stream of high quality content.

Read my stories

One thing is certain: a project like this offers an abundance of learning opportunities. From delving into the technical intricacies of the boat to mastering meteorology, race tactics, campaigning, and more.

The blog entries below serve as a personal journal for me and, hopefully, as a helpful resource for those who are stepping into their own Mini 650 projects.

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